CAT5 Air Gap Example

What is a CAT5 Booster Pump?

What is a CAT5 Booster Pump? CAT5 compliant water booster pumps are designed to provide protection against back contamination of the water system caused by harmful waste/pathogens. The official definition of the water categories is available at For over 20 years now it has been a legal requirement for CAT5 compliance, when water pumps…

PUK Tank Brochure

2022 PUK Booster Pump Brochures

2022 PUK Booster Pump Brochures Over the last couple of years our booster pump range has gone though a lot of changes with new inverters, panels, model and configurations. Instead of the large single brochure like we made a couple years ago we decided to split it into three separate brochures. We have one covering…

Made in Britain Avatar

Certified Made in Britain!

Pumps UK boosters are certified ‘Made in Britain’ We have always been proud to say that our booster pump sets have been built in our workshop in Rochester (Kent, UK). To assure customers of this we recently applied for ‘Made in Britain’ mark approval and will proudly show this mark on all of our PUK…