Some tips and guides to help you maintain your cold water booster pump system and diagnose potential issues.

KUKreg4 Logo

What is KUKreg4 Water Testing

What is KUKreg4 Water Testing? When it comes to ensuring the safety and quality of water systems, certifications play a crucial role. Kiwa, a renowned global leader in testing, inspection, and certification services, offers various certifications, including the Kiwa UK Water Regulation 4 (KUKREG4) certification. In this article, we will delve into the details of…

Sprinkler Safe Hero Image

Sprinkler Safe – What is a Sprinkler Safe?

Sprinkler Safe Technology Enable your PUK Booster Pump to Fight Fires Effectively! Talking with customers we found a requirement for a new rapid start system to be developed to supply fire systems with as much water as possible in the shortest amount of time. We have named this new technology Sprinkler Safe and can add…

CAT5 Air Gap Example

What is a CAT5 Booster Pump?

What is a CAT5 Booster Pump? CAT5 compliant water booster pumps are designed to provide protection against back contamination of the water system caused by harmful waste/pathogens. The official definition of the water categories is available at For over 20 years now it has been a legal requirement for CAT5 compliance, when water pumps…

PUK Tank Brochure

2022 PUK Booster Pump Brochures

2022 PUK Booster Pump Brochures Over the last couple of years our booster pump range has gone though a lot of changes with new inverters, panels, model and configurations. Instead of the large single brochure like we made a couple years ago we decided to split it into three separate brochures. We have one covering…

Made in Britain Avatar

Certified Made in Britain!

Pumps UK boosters are certified ‘Made in Britain’ We have always been proud to say that our booster pump sets have been built in our workshop in Rochester (Kent, UK). To assure customers of this we recently applied for ‘Made in Britain’ mark approval and will proudly show this mark on all of our PUK…

PUK Booster Pump Lineup

The Importance of WRAS Approved Pumps

Why build WRAS Approved Pumps and use WRAS Approved ComponentsWHAT IS THE WATER REGULATIONS ADVISORY SCHEME? The purpose of WRAS approved pumps are to contribute to the protection of public health by preventing contamination of public water supplies and encouraging the efficient use of water by promoting and facilitating compliance with the Water Supply (Water…

Imera Vessels

Booster Pump Pressure Settings

Booster Pump Pressure Settings This article should help you understand the two main Booster pump pressure settings and how to calculate the right values. There may be other considerations so please contact our team for advice at All variable speed booster sets (VSBS) will have a pressure vessel that must be charged at the…

PUK Safety Fill Logo

What is PUK Safety Fill?

What is PUK Safety Fill? When our PUK VARI COM, PUK VARI TANK (Twin) and PUK VARI TWIN booster sets are first turned on the control panel initiates our unique ‘Safety Fill’ feature to protect from rapid pressurisation. In tall buildings when a booster pump is first started, water can fill the system rapidly and…

Multi Pump Pump Roles

What do the terms Standby, Duty and Assist mean?

What do the terms Standby, Duty and Assist mean? Within a packaged booster set each individual pump can be assigned a different role to perform different tasks, such as increasing performance or improving reliability as required. A correctly specified booster pump set should take into consideration the requirements in peak times as well as the…

PUK VARI TANK Booster Pump Installed

Fibreglass Water Tank Sizing Guide

Fibreglass Water Tank Sizing Guide The Water Tank Sizing Guide below is designed to help you estimate the correct water tank size. Depending on your application there may be other points to consider, you can contact our team at for advice. Once a flow rate has been calculated for the booster set, we need…