Sprinkler Safe Technology
Enable your PUK Booster Pump to Fight Fires Effectively!
Talking with customers we found a requirement for a new rapid start system to be developed to supply fire systems with as much water as possible in the shortest amount of time. We have named this new technology Sprinkler Safe and can add it to any of our booster sets that utilise a central control panel. Here is how it works…
To protect a buildings’ pipework from rapid pressure spikes (water hammer) we developed our market-leading Safety Fill technology. This slowly fills a building’s water pipework for a couple of minutes before allowing the pumps to run at full power. Prefilling the pipework with water in this way can save your building from very expensive damage. This is vital in everyday use protecting against possible issues caused by maintenance work and power failures.
When a booster set is also used to supply a fire sprinkler system the speed of a water pump system restart is of the utmost importance.
Our Sprinkler Safe technology adds a volt-free input to our control panel that can receive a signal showing that the sprinkler system has been triggered. We use this to override the existing protocols and enable all of the pumps to deliver water at full power.
When a fire breaks out electrical systems are prone to power issue and often the building might automatically switch to backup power. This power interruption can reset pump controls triggering the important normally important start-up procedures to be activated. In the even of fire every second counts for a way to bypass this is vital to save lives. Sprinkler Safe is enables your sprinkler system to perform its best in the quickest time possible and help fight that fire.
If your worrying that the booster pump at full power could be too powerful for your building to handle then worry not, our pumps are smarter than that. The full power max pressure is set to the same as the normal max pressure setting used by the buildings cold water system. The thing that changes is the speed this pressure is available at. So if your booster is capable of 10 bar but is set to maintain 6 bar for the building, then when the Sprinkler Safe feature is enabled the pump will rapidly ramp up to produce 6 bar of pressure for the sprinkler system too. This way when the fire sprinklers are activated your cold water system isn’t over pressured at the same time saving your building from leaks and damage.
Using both Safety Fill and Sprinkler Safe technologies in your building provides you with a market-leading solution to protect your buildings in everyday scenarios and the dreaded ones alike.
This Sprinkler Safe technology is available on any PUK booster pump that utilises our Safety Fill Technology including the PUK Vari Com, PUK Vari Tank and PUK Vari Twin.
Our team are always happy to advise you on the best system and technology to suit your application so please email us at boosters@pumpsukltd.co.uk or call our team on 01322 292415.